[GCC-XML](no subject)

ambarshukla ambarshukla at indiatimes.com
Thu Jul 24 09:35:27 EDT 2003

I am trying to use GCCXML and am working to a very strict deadline. When i ran the utility on a simple .h file, i got a few errors. Please help me resolve the same.



The header file


class AuthDialog  
 virtual ~AuthDialog();
 int DoDialog();
 TCHAR m_passwd[256];
 static BOOL CALLBACK DlgProc(  HWND hwndDlg,  UINT uMsg, 
  WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );



contents of config file



GCCXML_CXXFLAGS="/nologo /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /Fp"Debug/tempproj.pch" /Yu"stdafx.h" /Fo"Debug/" /Fd"Debug/" /FD /GZ /c"

(FLags taken from VC6 IDE)



My command line session



C:\Program Files\GCC_XML> gccxml vnc.h -fxml=test.xml
vnc.h:34: parse error before `[' token
vnc.h:35: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `BOOL' with no type
vnc.h:35: parse error before `DlgProc'

C:\Program Files\GCC_XML>



My directory structure



-------------> vc6  -------------> include

-------------> vc7  -------------> include





Can you please guide me about where i am going wrong?


Thank you very much,

Ambar Shukla.
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