[GCC-XML] gcc-4.1.0 problem with __builtin_clog etc.

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Feb 13 11:07:28 EST 2006

Neal Becker wrote:
> What do I have to do to add GCC 4.1?  I think it's just missing the 
> declaration of builtin_clog.  I copied
> gccxml/GCC_XML/Support/GCC/4.0 -> 4.1
> I edited a few cmake files adding 4.1, but I don't know anything about cmake 
> and was just guessing.  Rerunning make doesn't do anything, is there some 
> kind of make clean I need to do?

You also need to edit GCC/find_flags to know about 4.1.


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